Home sweet home!


Thursday 2 September 2010

Astonished by the beautiful scent of the green morning breeze, the harmonized sound of those birds, the annoying yells of those cocks and dogs… But these annoyed has become the things that I’ve been missing for this whole year. Annoying yet became amazing and beautiful. Enough to make me forgot all those tiredness and clumsiness during our classes and exams.
Finally I’m home. About 1 week, I’ve spent my whole 24 hours inside my house. No hang out, any chatting or calling friends outside. I had already decided to spare my first week in Malaysia by this way. Sitting beside my mom, watching my sisters and brother packing up their bags to go to school, enjoyed watching movies and series. When there is truly nothing to do, I will sit at the veranda, feels the cold wind and watch the leaves and flowers waving slowly, and laughed when Belang and Tapir, our old active cats failed in their attempts to catch Guffy, our dog. Aah, how I love home.
Did I mention about our Durian and Rambutan? Not to forget our Langsat. The first day I woke up, I can see the green, red, or yellow colors of these delicious fruits. And that night, after break fast, me, by myself, finished eating the whole durian. Alone. Finally!
Well, nothing better than our home sweet home right?
So far, being a ‘penganggur-like’ status right now, there’s a lot going on in my mind. Too much happened, heard, saw. Everything seems completely whacked out, and sometimes I felt wracked up that I can’t even sleep well each night thinking about a lot of thing. What can I do? I’m still a student, who still depends on her parents.
But I’m sure, everything is going to be okay. As long as I keep my faith in Allah. I’m sure it’s going to be okay. We are just a planner, the rest leave it to Allah. But never stop planning, and make sure it is all along His road, because I believed, and always will be, that Allah never let us down. He always gives us the best, that’s why I’ve promised, that I’ll never give up hopes and dreams. All I can really doing now is never ever stop praying. Always pray for the best, for my mum and dad, my brothers, sisters. For all whom I love. All of you just wait, when I graduated, InsyaAllah, there will be no more sighing and worries. I’ll do my best to make everyone happy. Just wait, 2 more years.
Well what do you know? I’m already thrown away my ‘scared to death’ spirit. A physician it is. That’s my job to be, and I must not afraid to do my best! People don’t hate those who keep trying, but those who never show their ought to move forward, that’s what people always avoid.
Happy fasting all bloggers! J

Day after tomorrow!


Friday 20 August 2010

I'm coming! Ya'll wait for me~

Day after tomorrow~ Huh, finally!Can't wait! Tj, stop being overexcited. Allah,please make our trip safe and goes smoothly. Amin.Well, after all those 'tertinggal flight' and 'tambah bayaran tiket' stories, totally screwed up our so relaxed mood to fly. Need to prepare for any possibilities. Hurmm, nauzubillah.

Just arrived from Cairo yesterday. The weather? Hot!Not that hot hot, but hot hot hot! Got it? I can't even breath. The humid was totally dried and hot!Plus, credit to the Egyptian driver, for his unexplainable 'kebengongan', he forbid us from opening the backside window. So hot, I can't even bring it to sleep. Just close my eyes all the way to Zaqziq. Ramadhan test maybe. Yes, sangat cobaan!

Anyway, I've only got today and tomorrow to buy the remaining stuff for my family. Kacang, egytptian delights, dried Tin, dried prunes, dried apricot, stethoscope for my bro, lab-coat for big boss Khai...bla bla bla...

Uh, almost forgot. Anybody need an extra employer for these becoming 3 months? with RM1k per month? Hehe, really keen to do something worthwhile during this holiday. Got a lot to do. And with big hope everything will be done through this holidays.

Yey! I'm going back home! Durian! Waffle! Yoyo! Mertabak Jawa! Gonna gotcha!

Time to kill TIME!


Thursday 12 August 2010

Finally, I was be able to laugh the way it should!Yeah, sounds weird.I know.During the exam period, I laughed to burst out all the stress and pressure inside my head. But now? Since the exam already end, I can laugh! hahah! Funny. Seems like I was the nerd who doesn't know she's a nerd. Yeah, I am a nerd. Maybe. Hurmm...

Personal Taste
Anyway, forget it. Today is the 3rd day of Ramadhan, even I am not officially fasting, but I do forbid myself from eating or drinking throughout the day. Able to shed couple of pounds, I felt really great! Filling my days with movies and series...Hmm...How I love holidays. Nothing to think about, nothing to worry. Absolutely NOTHING!

Currently I was totally falling in love with Lee Min Ho. Sure everyone knew him, why not? That good looking, tall, young man. I watch BOF, and stop at episode 7. Means it was boring enough to make me stop in the middle of the story. But when I watch "Personal Taste", OMG! He was way too cool! And day and night, I kept thinking about this show! LMH! Why on earth do you have to be that gorgeous?!Watch Personal Taste. It's fun but not that must watch show actually. Typical love story in Korea. Just Lee Min Ho made me watched it till the end!
Get Smart

Get Smart! yeah! I laughed from the beginning till the end! That man was totally jerk and funny!The unexpected jokes! Hahaha! Funny! I've watched it three times already! Never stop laughing! Plus..Credit to Anne Hathaway. She was so beautiful as always.

And also, I do enjoyed "Alice in Wonderland". The scenery. Awesome!The actors.. Love it! Also Anne present here as White Queen. Still beautiful as always...Hmmm...

I'm still in my 'Counting Days' mood. Next Sunday is the day. Hihi! Can't wait! Yey! Sabah! Wait for me!

Happy Ramadhan and Happy Holidays!


Monday 9 August 2010

I’m now in a ‘flying back home’ mood. A little feeling of regret inside of going back home late than others. 22nd of August is a little late actually. 2 weeks apart from those Mimi’s trip. Hurrm, how I can’t wait for that day. Bazar Ramadhan!!Wait for me!!Don’t forget ‘Encik Durian’! I’m going to eat you alive!!!haha!

How fast time’s fly right? Day after tomorrow, it’ll be our first Ramadhan. I can’t join fasting on the first day.  Sad though. The feeling kind of off a bit. Ugh! I missed home so much. Being a ‘home alone girl’ for 3 days is enough to make me feels homesick! Kay, Khansa, Yana!! Go back home quickly! How empty this house without the pitching voice of you girls!hihi…that’s including me. Come back quickly please!

Hurmm…can’t wait to fly back home!! Mom and dad! Wait for me!! I’ll come back home for good!!! Hihi…
And also, I’ll be attending an attachment during this holiday. Wish me luck! Actually feeling a little nervous, attend as a fourth year student. Whatever, as long as I can learn something. Till then!
Happy Ramadhan, and Happy Holiday especially to my ‘Zagazigian’s’ buddies!

4 years~


Wednesday 4 August 2010

"Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experience."

Tired. Of course it is, when it comes to our 3 months struggling with books and questions. Magically and amazing, it's already 4 years. Another 2 years more, and another episode of life is waiting.

We strive together for these whole years
How fast time flies, it goes and never comes back. It flies freely, but priceless. Me, myself already 22 years living and breath freely inside my precious body, thanks to Allah. 

Tomorrow is our last paper for this 4th year exam. Happy inside and outside, the pressure already released, just the nervousness of waiting the result is still here. Congratulations to our juniors, 1st and 2nd year. Congratulations for those who passed, and for those who don't, don't be sad. Allah never do something purposeless. Just be patience and wait, your precious time is coming. InsyaAllah.

Thinking back about how much time I had spend studying human bodies, how they functioning, how they compensating, the progression of each disease, the process of recovery and so on. Still remember the first time I stand closely, lean my eyes on the Cardever, how my legs have the strongest urge to run, the smell. Funny. Now? Nothing. Swallowing hamburger while staring at those organs inside the jars, it's part of our life as a medical student. 

Sometimes I said to myself, how amazing it is being a doctor. Just by looking I can conclude a lot of diagnosis. Seeing a little boy running in front of me, bulging abdomen, thin limbs, I can say he may suffered from hepatomegaly by Bilharzia, or maybe Kwashiorkor. Maybe a little hyperbola. But at least the idea comes out. Can predict which organ was affected when they had jaundice, can predict what organ is enlarged when their abdomen bulged out. And that's the magic of being a physician. 

Human brain (congested)
4 years learning. But it's actually not enough for me to face a sick human being. To treat? Maybe not. If you ask me about why does this symptoms comes up, or this signs shows up, I can assure you, only part of them, just part of them I can answer. Maybe because of my 'not too hard' of studying caused me to be this lack of professional knowledge as a physician. I don't have that strong interest to search for an answer, to look for the exact condition. Just reading and memorizing University's Books, it's not enough. Never. 

2 years more. Is that enough for me to help those patients? 
The thing is, I must seed my interest, pay more attention on my profession as a doctor to be. Lack of interest is a disease of a doctor. And I must not let it spread all over my body. I must treat it, and make sure it doesn't recur. Yes, I love medicine. And each seconds I spend, will always be about it. I'll try. 

Hurmm... too much to say, but don't have much time to type. Tomorrow's paper comes first. By the way, wish me luck. With love, let us all pray for a better day tomorrow..

Love, Cheer, Care..


Tuesday 3 August 2010

Love them for who they are..:)

This is my first post. I'm going to type whenever my mind have the urge of saying things.. whatever the thing is, I'll make sure each one of us can get the good thing behind everything, to learn and feel better when you leave this page.I'm not an angel, nor a devil. Just an ordinary girl, who's trying her best to be better, in each moment I've get through, it's the key for me to open the new door for my new challenge. .

So, my first post is about the first thing that always comes first in me.

Love, cheer, care.

Simply to say, I have my loveliest family to love, my beautiful friends to cheer up, and both of them is what I care about for the rest of my life. It's not a promise, but it's the main pathway for my journey to keep moving forward. I'm nothing without them. Seriously. I'm nothing.

Ermm...Another awkward moment...
The thing is, I love all of them...